Dr. Shapiro was a Professor of psychology at the College of Psychology of Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida where he has taught courses in Ethics and Legal Issues, Psychological Assessment, criminal law and forensic assessment, as well as a course that reviews and analyzes a variety of Supreme Court cases dealing with mental health and the law. Prior to coming to Florida, he taught similar courses at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County, University of Baltimore, Drexel University, and Johns Hopkins University. He is actively engaged in developing a Psy.D. J.D. program with the law school at Nova and has also taught mental health and law at New York Law School. Dr. Shapiro has been deeply involved in teaching psychology and law courses as well as courses in ethics and legal issues. He also helped develop an online masters degree in Forensic Psychology for non-psychologists. He has developed innovative and creative ways of teaching forensic psychology, such as a mock trial in which students receive discovery materials and assume the roles of defense and prosecution expert witnesses and lawyers. A chapter in a book on innovative teaching methods included a description of this teaching approach.